94 Chelsea Road, Clifton NJ 07012
973-779-4844 Ashley@AllwoodPlayandLearn.com
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About Allwood Play and Learn
Allwood Play and Learn is a family owned and operated preschool located in the Allwood Community Church in Clifton, NJ. The school has been in existence for over 50 years and has been owned by Ashley Anderson since 2004. We believe strongly in the importance of play and the benefit children have in learning through play. Children at our school have opportunities for play every day, while also following our daily curriculum and learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and a weekly theme.
All of our classes learn through art, practicing fine motor skills, story time, projects, and music and movement EVERY DAY!
Our school is comprised of 4 classrooms:
Classroom A
This class is made up of our youngest friends. The friends in this classroom are 2 ½ and 3 years old. This classroom has a big focus on potty training and building independent skills. Our staff assist these friends wherever they are on their potty training journey with either going to the bathroom, introducing them to the bathroom, or changing pullups. Friends in the classroom are introduced to their written name and the names of their peers. Our goal for children in this class is that when they see the letter “M” some may know it is an M, but everyone will know it is for Max. We review colors and shapes regularly, introduce basic numbers, and work on counting, sorting, and matching.
Classroom B
This classroom is made up of our older 3s. Friends in this class will be turning 4 throughout our school year and following summer. This age group has a big focus on our social emotional learning. We are working on identifying our feelings, using appropriate words to talk through conflict, and expanding our verbal communication to make requests, talk with friends during play, and recall events and information. Most friends begin the year tracing and end with free writing names, and being able to draw basic people. Our goal for our big 3s is that they have a decent writing grip, good scissor skills, can follow multiple step directions, and can use their imagination and creativity throughout art and play.
Classroom C
This classroom is a pre-k 4 Clifton Public School class. This class is only eligible for Clifton residents and is free to everyone enrolled. This classroom follows the Clifton Public School calendar, and uses the HighScope curriculum. Breakfast and a hot lunch are provided from the district to children in this classroom only.
Classroom D
This classroom is our private pre-k 4 class. Friends in this classroom are 4 by October 1st, and either live in a town outside of Clifton, or opt to stay in the APL classroom instead of the public classroom. Friends in this classroom are preparing for Kindergarten. Our big kids do more small group and whole group activities, have ample opportunities for open ended art, and build on their academic skills throughout the school year.
Our goal is to prepare every child as much as possible and they grow and mature.
We prepare them socially, emotionally, and academically to move up to the next class, then graduate, and eventually move on to Kindergarten!

Option A. (AM Half Day):
Our half day program includes our core curriculum time with circle time, arts and crafts, centers (blocks, dramatic play, science, math, and art), story time, and outdoor play time. This program runs from 8:30am-12:30pm.
Option B. (School Day):
Our School Day program is from 8:30am-3:00pm. This includes all of the above as well as lunch, and our afternoon program. Students who stay for a full day have story time, nap time, dance, arts and crafts, and extra outside play time. We recommend this program for all students because it gives them the opportunity to meet new children that may not be in their class and begin to form wonderful new friendships all while having tons of fun!
Option C. (Full Day):
Our Full Day option is has everything our School Day option has as well as some extra small group time during Early Drop and Extended Pick-up. Full Day's are from 7:00am-5:00pm.
Early drop: 7:00am-8:30am
Extended pick-up: 3:00pm-5:00pm
Our Typical Day:
7:00 - 8:30 Before Care - All before care friends explore centers, morning art, and sensory activities together. We transition to classes at 8:30.
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8:30 - Morning Drop off starts! Class Begins with friends finding attendance cards or signing in. There may be a daily skill practice, and friends can rotate through small groups while everyone arrives.
9:15 - Morning Circle Introductions, days of the week, months, weather, seasons, year, opening thoughts, movement
9:30 - Snack
9:45 - Music and Movement / Group Bathroom Times
10:00 - Playground
11:00 Art and Centers work on daily projects, friends rotate between small groups, art project, skill work, sensory
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Half Day friends get picked up
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12:30 - 1:30 Big Kids rest time
12:30 - 2:00 3's rest time
2:00 - 3:00 Afternoon groups - snack, playground time or centers & games
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3:00 - 5:00 Aftercare - Music & movement, game time, painting, big buckets