94 Chelsea Road, Clifton NJ 07012
973-779-4844 Ashley@AllwoodPlayandLearn.com
@2023 Allwood Play and Learn LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Welcome To Allwood Play and Learn...
where learning is fun and the fun never ends!
Allwood Play and Learn is a small preschool where every child receives individualized attention, love, and respect. We believe in meeting children where they are on their education journey. Academics for our friends happen in the classroom, on the playground, during "formal" learning activities, and during all aspects of play. Our goal is to help each child be the best version of themselves they can be academically and for all of our students to leave APL with the skills to be kind humans! We have amazing staff who provide the building blocks for life long learning. Every classroom has a daily circle time, centers (dramatic play / building / manipulatives / reading / writing / art / math / science), story time, projects, free art, teacher guided art, free play, guided small group and whole group activities, ample playground time, snack, lunch, and nap if they stay until 3pm or later. We communicate with all of our families everyday throughout your child's day using our communication app, Lillio, so parents know what your child is working on, who they are playing with, stories we're reading, themes we're focused on, and music we're listening to.
We make sure every day starts and ends with a smile!
Our preschool is located in the Allwood section of Clifton, NJ.
(our preschool entrance is the RED doors on the Merrill Rd side)